How To Celebrate Your Wedding Day In Lockdown

Well, isn’t this a post that should’ve come out a little bit ago, but 11 weeks in, I’m still sadly receiving emails from panicked couples to say that they’ve had to postpone their wedding, for either the first, second or even third time. HOWEVER, this is not going to be a sad post, there will be no gloom and doom here.
I want to take this post to provide some joy, some time to remember the, now not necessarily as big but still monumental, day. You can make your ‘I Do’ date beautifully and brilliantly all about YOU.
The love you share, the commitment you have made, and the lives you will lead as husband and wife going forward, from whenever the official part might come into play.

Ben & Sophie

Ben & Sophie

‘Husband & Wife’

‘Husband & Wife’

I’m going to begin this post by mentioning the story of one of my couples, Ben and Sophie. They were due to get married the weekend after lockdown was announced, and I can still remember the frantic texts in the days leading up to the announcement. As rules were being discussed, we chatted about how, no matter what circumstances might be in place, we would do something, anything, to make it still their day. When Boris declared the lockdown, they were, in the face of adversity, still positive and determined to make the original date memorable, special, and above all else, theirs.
As sad as it was that I could no longer provide flowers, as there was now no wedding to be had, I marvelled at their love, commitment and strength to face whatever was coming their way, and, by god, making the most of it. Although they could not legally become husband and wife in the eyes of the law, they decided to get married within their home and in the eyes of God. They invited friends and family to call in (safely over Zoom), to be a part of the day and to celebrate.

You might have seen their story before, as after their day, they suddenly became kinda Internet famous - much to their surprise I think! Their ‘Wedding Day’ tale is a special one, even if from the outside it seems small. There was no band, though Sophie’s brother did sing on Zoom as she came down the living room aisle. There was no big white gown, just the fancy attire from their wardrobes. There wasn’t a first dance, but there was a commitment, there was a marriage, there was love. I asked Ben and Sophie for their thoughts when I knew I was going to write this post, and so I will start with their brilliant advice:

’I would say that regardless of how formal or informal you want to spend the date, do something that will make you both smile! We were so lucky that we had so many people that were able to celebrate with us on zoom as we had an online ceremony on our wedding/not wedding day! But once all of that was over, we got back into comfy clothes, ordered pizza and simply enjoyed each others company by watching films, speaking with friends and family and being grateful for having the chance to still celebrate the date and make it significant!







Couples work so hard to plan their big day, and sadly if you have to postpone (as we have had to twice now..!) I think its only right that you still celebrate the day! Whether that is by cooking a special meal that you both love, having an online video call with your loved ones, or if you are able travel one of your favourite spots with a picnic! You have worked hard to get to that day, and even if there is a hurdle and it is postponed, you deserve to celebrate in any way that suits you :-)’

And with that, here are some quick fire ideas to make your day special, meaningful, and all about YOU.

WEDDING BREAKFAST IN BED - Why not start your day with a cute brunch, in bed, to represent your ‘wedding breakfast’? Think pancakes, champagne and snuggling.

WEDDING PLAYLIST - Get your dancing shoes on, play the songs that were going to be the backing music, ceremony songs and disco to your day and just go crazy. They do say music is the best healer and mood lifter!

DRESS UP - Put on your wedding veil, your wedding shoes, your suit, and spend your day being the hottest bride and groom in the room!

SHARE YOUR DAY - Like Ben and Sophie, plan your day around celebrating with as many beloved guests as you can. Cheers to love, and the future, and health, and anything else your heart desires. Laugh about life and chat about what the dog did last night, just be in the best company possible - that’s the reason why you were inviting them!

CUT THE CAKE - Ask your cake supplier if there’s anyway they can deliver a mini version of your wedding cake and then giggle as you cut it with your fancy knife, prom photo style.

SPEECH, SPEECH - Write a letter, your vows or the speeches you were going to say, and take some time out to tell each other how much you value and appreciate them, and no matter whats going to come, you’ve got each other.

SWAP WEDDING GIFTS - Why wait a year to give that special, maybe date-engraved, gift to your partner? To give is to receive, and it’ll make the day special to see their faces when they receive.

MINI WEDDING MEAL - Mouth watering at the thought of that 3 course meal/family style tapas/hog roast you were meant to have today? Make it at home and enjoy actually being able to eat it without glasses being clinked for you both to kiss!

MAKE IT FUN - How about getting your best man or bridesmaids to host a big wedding quiz all about you both, for you and your family to partake and laugh over?

MAKE IT ‘OFFICIAL’ - And finally, like Ben and Sophie, make it official for YOU. Have a ceremony, religious or not, and remember that the best is yet to come, but today ain’t bad either.

And so there you have it, a small list to get your wedding day juices flowing, from the comfort of home.
Remember, even though not the way you imagined it, is still your day to claim and use however you want too. If you are one of the couples who have had to make the hard decision to postpone your wedding, just know that I will be there (even if only in spirit), along with all your loved ones, screaming joy and making it oh, so worth the wait.